Thursday, August 1, 2024

Where Have All the Hummingbirds Gone?

Where are all the hummingbirds? We usually have to hang two feeders and fill both of the feeders daily. Now, we only have one hanging and only have to fill it once a day. We enjoy these little creatures so much. They seem to like us too. 


This little one came up to the feeder while I was setting up the Sun Oven this morning. We only have four hummers this year and no chicks yet. We would normally have upwards of 15 at one time vying for a position at the feeders. 

Smoke has moved back into area, plus pollen is in full bloom. We are both suffering with allergies. The tips and tops of our shoes are coated with the yellow gold. The toxic smoke really gets to me while the pollen troubles Number One Husband more. 

Three separate fires are burning on the front range that are causing the smoke in our area today. California and Canada seem to burn consistently now every year. We haven't had a clear summer in years due to fires. 

The whole world seems to be on fire right now without any flames. Everything seems to be in some form of chaos on a global scale. We have to put the crazy in perspective and hang on to the hope that has been given to us. 


Mrs. Smith

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