Saturday, August 3, 2024

On My Soapbox - The Cost of Shoplifting and Corporate Greed

While shopping at Walmart, we needed some allergy eyedrops that was on our list. We were shocked to discover that our local (1 hour away) store had locked up a lot of items that required an associate to unlock and take to a checkout clerk while we followed behind. 

Number One Husband made light of the situation by marching with his hands on his head while following the associate to the shortest checkout line. Shoppers knew exactly what he was doing and joined him in the fun. The eyedrops cost less than $5. We purchased two, so we wouldn't have to endure this ridiculous practice due to those who choose to steal instead of paying for items at a great cost to others.

We have seen this practice of locking items up in bigger cities that have losses due to high shoplifting rates, but it has now spread to the little mountain town that we frequent often for gas and sundries. It is a sad world that we live in when everything is under lock and key. Pretty soon, we will only be allowed to pick-up our orders instead of being able to shop inside the store if people keep stealing.

We, the people who actually pay for our items, are paying the price for the crimes of shoplifters in more ways than one. We pay for items that are stolen by paying higher prices to offset the loss, we pay for the additional security measures, we lose our time, and we lose our sense of independence and are made to march through the store like a criminal. We are practically forced to show our receipt at the door, although they cannot legally make you show your receipt, which makes all of us feel like we are the criminals. Some states do not even prosecute shoplifters unless it's a big-ticket item.

There are other types of criminals that come into play also, and that's the corporations who steal through greed from its own customers every day. Pretty soon, they won't have any customers left to steal from. They will have taken all that they can take from us. It has already started. Now, they are feeling the pain of a recession. Corporations are laying off their employees left and right causing even more pain. It's a vicious cycle.

An example of this corporate greed is the amount we all have to pay for basic needs. We had to pay over $16 for a two pack of Equate Ibuprofen. This included the oppressive taxes paid to our government. I heard someone say something so profound the other day that has really made me realize how oppressive taxes really are. It went something like this, have you ever heard of a country that taxed its own people into prosperity? I believe that a combination of all of these factors have led us into rampant homelessness, poverty, substance abuse and is the root cause of the "Shoplifting Epidemic" that we are seeing. Some steal out of necessity; however, some people are just morally compromised and have always been thieves. Both reasons are wrong no matter how you look at it. 

The promise of Heaven does not cancel out the pains of this world, but it does give us hope, peace and strength to endure through the painful times. Hold fast, help is on the way!


Mrs. Smith

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