Friday, September 27, 2024

Canned Coleslaw - Recipe

Time to dust off the hot water canner.

I had not heard of such a thing as canning coleslaw. Well, the Amish/Mennonites know how to preserve the harvest. This is where this recipe hails from. This intrigued me when it popped up on a vlog that I follow. Canning Coleslaw

It is actually a sweet, pickled coleslaw similar to the one that I make fresh and store in the fridge for a couple weeks only it is preserved for long term storage. It can also be drained and mixed with mayonnaise for a more traditional coleslaw.  

I had all the ingredients on hand except for the optional spices that I plan on getting for my next batch along with purple cabbage to change things up a bit. I prepared the cabbage mixture the night before, because it needs to sit in the fridge for 3-8 hours. 

Here are the prepared onions, peppers, carrots and cabbage. I was not able to
take pictures of me preparing the brine, since I only have two hands and Number
One Husband was still tucked under the warm covers. The house will be nice
and warm when he gets up.

Adding the salt.

Mix well.

Cover and store in the refrigerator 3 to 8 hours.

I took inventory of the jars, lids and rings that I had inside the house.
I ended up using six pints jars. 

Packing the jars.

Adding water to the pot.

I put up the yogurt that I made the night before while
the jars were processing.

The sun came up as soon as I took the jars out to cool.
I had to process my jars for 55 minutes due to the altitude.

Boiling hot!

Recipe: 1 medium head cabbage 1 med onion 1 red pepper (any color works) 1 large carrot
Wash and grate all veggies, mix veggies together with 1-2 tsp salt. let sit in the refrigerator for 3-8 hours. After 3-8 hours drain veggies thoroughly. Pack into pint jars. boil together to make a brine: 1 cup vinegar 1.5 cups sugar 1 tsp celery seed (optional) 1 tsp mustard seed (optional) Pour vinegar mixture into jars with the cabbage, stir well to release any air and add more brine if needed to bring contents to 1 inch head space. Wipe rims, add lids and rings, and hot water bath for 15 min. (Add 5 minutes per 1000 ft in altitude) After the jars are cool, remove the rings and store. After a month the flavor has settled in, and you will be most pleased!

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Canned Coleslaw - Recipe