Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Pictures of the Day - Sunrise and More!

I had to be up very early to start canning coleslaw. I know, I thought the same thing. Canning coleslaw? Blog post coming soon. I rarely see the sunrise during the summer. We keep the blinds closed on the east side in order to keep the house cool all day long. I don't have to concern myself with keeping the house cool this time of the year. In fact, we open the blinds to let the sun in to warm up the house.

This is what I saw...

The skies were extremely busy all day long. 

Beautiful lake view.

I watched a plane track the mountain top as the sun rose.

Snowcapped mountains.

The lake had a cold fog rising up from the water.

This was the first thing I saw when I opened the binds. I was intrigued
and continued to watch the plane advance towards the mountains.

Mrs. Smith

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Pictures of the Day - Sunrise and More!