Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Fall Has Arrived - Snow on the Peaks and Fall Colors

When I woke up this morning the tops of the mountains were covered in snow. We had a thunderstorm move through and it produced snow on the peaks. It was 37* degrees when I got up this morning and 57* degrees inside the house. I am not sure if we will make it to November before we turn on the heat. I put on my first pair of wool socks this morning. It looks like our first frost will be early next week. 

The rut has begun. The male pronghorns are starting to chase each other around. The strong males have started gathering their females. They are so fast and a joy to watch. The hummingbirds have been gone for a couple of weeks now. 

The aspen trees are also changing color fast. It's time for a drive up into the high country to enjoy the Fall colors. I hope to see Rita the Rock Planter Troll. It's time to start making plans...

Mrs. Smith

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