Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Souptember And More - Meal Preps

This week's Souptember soup is Mexican beef and rice soup. It is actually more like a thick hearty stew and is very tasty. 

Mexican Beef and Rice Soup

Tacos and Spanish Rice

I started with 10 pounds of ground chuck.

I pressed out 12 large hamburger patties for Number One Husband to grill. Until then, I froze them on trays and then I wrapped them individually and placed them back into the freezer. 

I froze three 1-pound bags of raw beef.

I cooked and bagged up the rest of the meat that was left after
cooking tacos and Mexican Beef and Rice soup. 

Tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers and onions in a spiced vinegar dressing

We went to town today to pick up a few fresh groceries. It was a bit frustrating. The store was out of several items. Four items were mispriced. I had to have the supervisor over twice to fix the prices. It took forever. I found it interesting that the prices that were wrong were on the sale items. I was able to get a rain check on an out-of-stock sale item. Number One Husband actually came inside to check on me because it took so long. What a great man and husband. Thank you, Number One!

I feel like I have been sick since the beginning of February. I believe that my immune system has been compromised since I contracted shingles in February. I'm tired and I'm tired of being sick and in a weakened state.

We are still recovering from whatever we had. We are better but have not recovered completely. We are just now starting to get our appetite back. We are not very hungry at all, so cooking has been minimal for the past three weeks. 

I used to do a "Things I Like" at the end of each blog and I am not sure why I stopped. After watching a portion of the presidential debate, I would like to do a "Things I Hate" portion, but I will not. In fact, I will restart the "Things I like" portion of my blog again.

Things I Like - 

My protective loving husband

A non-election year

When it's not hunting season

Fan noise to put me to sleep

A fan blowing to cool me off

A breezy day

Cotton pajamas

Short sleeve t-shirts

Grapefruit and sandalwood body spray 

Tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers and onions in a spiced vinegar dressing

Changing seasons

Falling back time change



Mrs. Smith


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