Sunday, September 1, 2024

Souptember Begins Today!

Soup is a primarily liquid foodGenerally served hot. Made by combining ingredients of meat or vegetables with stock, milk, or water. Hot soups are additionally characterized by boiling solid ingredients in liquids in a pot until the flavors are extracted, forming a broth. Soups are similar to stews, and in some cases, there may not be a clear distinction between the two; however, soups generally have more liquid (broth) than stews. [1] Wikipedia...

Refrigerator Soup

It is Soupember! The beginning of soup season. I love this time of the year! Soup is my favorite meal served with homemade bread or crackers. Soup is such an easy unrestricted meal to make. There are no rules to follow when I make my "Refrigerator Soup". Refrigerator Soup is soup that I make from leftovers in the refrigerator once a week through the Fall and Winter months. I gather up my fragments (leftovers) from the refrigerator, add a liquid such as water, milk or broth, and simmer with spices for a few hours on top of the stove to create a hearty soup. It is that simple! Simmering soup on the stove warms up the house and warms us up on cold days. 

Chicken Barley Soup made from chicken thigh bones
that I save up from deboning chicken thighs. 


Sesame Crackers


Soup is such an affordable meal, especially if made from leftovers or fragments of vegetables made into a stock. Soup, broth or pottage can be found in nearly every culture. Soup has been used throughout history to feed the masses during economic downturns like the Great Depression and during wartime. Soup kitchens and breadlines fed thousands of needy people every day during the Great Depression. A flavorful hearty soup can be made with inexpensive foods like root vegetables, cheap tough cuts of meat and simple seasonings like salt and pepper. 

Homemade Vegetable Broth made from
vegetable scraps collected and stored in the freezer 
throughout the Spring and Summer months.

Chicken Noodle Soup

Chicken vegetable broth made from a smoked chicken carcass
and vegetables.

Potato Soup with turkey bacon.

Enjoy a pot of homemade soup today!

Mrs. Smith

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