Monday, June 10, 2024

Refrigerator Rice - Another Useful Way to Gather Up the Fragments

Even after last week's meal preps, I had a number of items in the refrigerator that needed to be used up before their demise. I would normally make "Refrigerator Soup", but it is way too warm for soup. I decided to make "Refrigerator Rice" instead. Refrigerator Soup - Save Money - Save Food - No Waste

I used to do a series called "Gather Up Your Fragments" but let's face it, who of us have enough fragments leftover these days when everything counts? I had some frozen brown rice and homemade tortillas from another meal prepping adventure, so I was able to cook up this Refrigerator Rice lickety-split for brunch this morning.

The homemade tortillas and Rotel helped me to decide that I would make a Spanish fried rice.
I used the dominate Rotel flavor to my advantage. 

I had an open can of mushrooms and Rotel along with fresh cabbage, celery,
red onions, peppers and carrots in the refrigerator.

I chopped up the vegetables and some grilled chicken. I also gathered two fresh eggs
from the chicken coop this morning that I scrambled up.

I heated up my trusty cast iron wok and started
sauteing the vegetables in a little oil.

 Before I started sauteing the vegetables, I soft cooked the scrambled eggs.

I cooked the vegetables until they were tender.

I added some spices along with salt. I added a small amount of oregano too.

I added the eggs, chicken

and the rice to the sauteed vegetables.

I remembered that I had a small amount of chopped green chilies
 in the freezer and added them to the pot to round out the flavor.

I sliced the tortillas into triangles, 

tossed them in a little oil and taco seasoning.

I baked them for about 12 minutes until they were crisp.

It's ready to eat.

Chips are ready too!

 I served it up in a bowl.

It was a hit! I'm glad that I thought of making "Refrigerator Rice" as another means of using up the leftover fragments from the refrigerator. I'm patting myself on the back! Not really...

Coming Soon: Vegan Beanie Weenies

Mrs. Smith

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